WHEN: Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 — 12pm EST
COST: $25
AGE: 18+
THE FOOD/MOOD CONNECTION: Eating for energy & focus
About this Workshop
It’s not uncommon for many people to experience mood swings throughout the day: feeling peaceful and content one minute and anxious and sad the next. But how much of our mood is affected by the foods we are eating? Is it possible to experience more joy, contentment and ease through diet alone?
In this workshop, you’ll learn how foods can affect moods and what foods are best for experiencing steadier moods throughout the day, and ultimately more joyful and peaceful lives.
Define what good foods are
Understand the benefit of having more consistent, stable moods and how this affects every area of your life
Learn how to create better moods in your own life and improve your overall well being
thank you for reading the fine print:
Classes run for 55 minutes and include Q&A. Classes are not recorded. Class fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Events are inclusive of all, please demonstrate respect and kindness.