You're already a winner. Now you'll be one in the kitchen.
"What's for dinner?" Now, you have an answer.
I know you. You're the one who likes my facebook posts and instagram food porn pictures.
You have a goal to eat more healthy food more often (and maybe post pictures of it like I do) but you feel like it's a little too complicated. Maybe you consider yourself to be eating healthy but have reached your limit of what you know how to cook.
I'd like to help.
Welcome to Winning At Kitchen, a program to get you to the next level in your cooking competency. I've been invited to collaborate on this awesome summer program designed to help awesome, average, busy people like you get food on the table faster, with little to no hassle. Some of my recipes are featured which is really awesome!
What is it?
4 weeks of dinner meal plans, plus bonus recipes for breakfast, snacks and dessert. (That's right, healthy dessert.) The recipes are dairy and gluten-free or can be easily modified. Some are vegetarian meals, some have meat--make it work for you. You’ll get done-for-you, printable grocery shopping lists and make-life-easier prep instructions (hello? How easy is this?!)
AND you’ll have 24/7 access to an online forum for extra help, ingredient substitution ideas, recipe exchanges, kid-friendly ideas (if you got some kiddos) and more. In other words – you’re not alone. You're now unstuck. You’ve got options. You've got people to talk to when you hit a wall.
What kind of meals are included?
Normal, good, tasty food. Maybe you'll even learn about some new healthy options you never knew about before. This is not about detoxing but it IS about healthy and delicious made so easy you'll be like, "who's this chef in my kitchen? Oh. It's me."
Honey Lime Chicken. Spaghetti with Veggie Bolognese Sauce. Blueberry Peach Crisp.
Good REAL food, made even better with nutrient dense ingredients. You can toss out the story that you can't cook. It's really not true, once you start trying with something simple like this.
Who’s it for?
You’d like to cook but you run out of steam. You want to eat better and expand your nutrition horizons, but you don’t know where to start. But you’re committed to putting real food on the table! The meal plans are created to serve 4, you can double the recipes -- HELLO leftovers!
Imagine feeling focused, organized and efficient in the kitchen. That's what we mean by #winningatkitchen
Save time and money - You won’t have to hunt for recipes or remember to make lists. You also won’t rely on expensive takeout or prepared meals, or waste money on complicated recipes. You’ll have it all spelled out in the most efficient way possible.
Keep it simple and practical - We're serious. You're busy and life is already complicated enough. These 4 weeks will have good, normal, real food that you can find at any standard grocery store. There may be a few items you’ll want to get at Whole Foods or a natural food store, but it won’t be essential.
Do what works for you - I expect you to be busy. It’s ok. Vacations, celebrating birthdays, whatever. Do what you can, when you can. The meal plans and recipes can be used and reused all summer long – and next year too!
How much does all this awesomeness cost?
Just $29.