Good Green Morning Banana Colada. You're welcome.



For those of you living in the Chilly Northeast, Spring is just around the corner---don't worry. For everyone else, I'm jealous.

My body is gearing up for this cleansing time of year and I help it out by adding more greens to my day. I made this drink this morning and thought you'd like to know about it.

Why greens?

Well, they are jam-packed full of nutrients your body needs to cleanse and detox. It's like natural scrubbing action inside your blood and organs. YES!! All the natural fiber from greens helps with elimination (read: poop) and helps boost your mood and energy levels naturally.

I drank this and imagined I was sitting poolside or beachside somewhere was a good try but I need the real thing. Soon. Cheers 'til warmer days are here!

Good Green Morning Banana Colada


2 frozen bananas 3 cups baby spinach 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1 Tbsp coconut oil or 2 Tbsp shredded coconut (or both!) 1/2 frozen pineapple chunks 1 Tbsp chia seeds (these add more fiber, omega 3 fats and bulk up your colada)

Blend all ingredients until smooth and enjoy!