Emmy's Organics Macaroons & More!
Looking for something sweet, healthy AND organic? That's like a nutrition triple play, right there.
(oh? you want vegan, gluten-free and raw, too? OK. Done.)
I first tasted the awesomeness of these macaroons when I worked at Cambridge Naturals, a local natural food store in Cambridge, MA, a few years ago.
When I found out the company was owned by a couple of young adults like me, I knew I had to blog about them. You know how I love blowing up other peoples' courageousness, especially fellow business owners and entrepreneurs! We all need help getting our message out there!
When I followed EMMY'S ORGANICS on instagram, they sent me a gift package like the one they sell on their website right here. Early holiday shopping, anyone?
(I REALLY wish I hadn't eaten all of them. I could have made a giveaway for you. Next time, promise!)
I asked Samantha, the co-owner and founder, some questions to learn a bit more about her company, her product and her mission. She took precious time away from her biz to answer some questions for me.
DD) Um. Your products are so, so good. What was your inspiration to create such a great product?
S) Since Ian was a teenager, he has dealt with a number of digestion and food allergy issues. This forced him to change the way he looked at food 360 degrees. He has to stop eating dairy and gluten and didn't know much about alternative ways to eat for health. He took a trip to a family-friends raw food restaurant in San Francisco and quickly changed his mindset. There he learned about super-foods, juicing, dehydrating and many other ways to prepare raw foods. Eating a lot of raw food also helped him feel really good, physically. This is where it all started for him.
For myself, I have always been interested in the best way to take care of myself. Its just a natural desire of mine. When I was in college, my step-mother checked herself into a raw detox center in San Diego because she had some pre-cancer cells in her eye. She came home weeks later totally emerged in raw food preparation. She also felt amazing and her cells were healed. Eventually, she lost interest in some of her raw food tools so she gave them to me and I started experimenting.
Ian and I played with all different kinds of food, both raw and cooked and this is how our company emerged. We have always kept a very strong emphasis on simplicity and ease and Ian's chocolate macaroon recipe fell right into that category ;-).
DD) what was the biggest obstacle you faced in building your company?
I think for any small company, growth is a very big obstacle. In the very beginning, Ian and I did EVERYTHING. We didn't take days or even evenings off. We managed the production, bookkeeping, sales, cleaning, packaging, you name it. There comes a time when you get so much business that you actually can't handle it. Hiring that very first employee was huge and scary for us. We were so used to doing everything ourselves so we were nervous to take that next step.
DD) one of my biggest messages is living fearlessly. How did you overcome fears, obstacles and set backs while growing the business?
S) We gave up control, made plenty of mistakes (we still do) and learned from them. We have gotten a real education in communication and listening over the past 4.5 years!
DD) your products use such clean, quality ingredients when it would be easier to use cheaper ones. Tell me why.
We use clean ingredients because that is what food is to us. They are what feed us and nourish us and give us energy to do the things in life that matter.
DD) what has been your biggest success since you launched?
S) We launched a crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo.com at the end of 2010 to re-brand all of our packaging. We raised over $15,000 from fans, family and friends to take this next leap. It was a success, both financially and mentally. It was the first time that we got to see how many people supported our dreams and what we are out to achieve. It was an amazing experience that has impacted us forever.
DD) I love that story! That's amazing. OK, so what's next? I'm all about setting goals to make progress in life. Name 4 goals you have for yourself and/or your company in the next two years:
S) 1. To visit where some of our ingredients are grown.
2. To successfully launch at least 2 more product lines.
3. To continue to grow the benefits that we offer our employees.
4. Become a B-Corp! (learn more about that here)
Thank you so much, Samantha and Ian, for making an awesome product and for sending me some special gifts!
Emmy's makes more than macaroons. Head over and take a look at their website right here: http://emmysorganics.com/
You can find Emmy's at major stores like Whole Foods as well as smaller, independent natural food and product stores like Cambridge Naturals in Porter Square, Somerville, MA.