Cultivate Your Inner Calm: Hangout with me on 9.17
A free, live Google Hangout on 9.17.14
Life is busy and full.
Kids. Jobs. Dishes. School. Family. Laundry. Pets. Cleaning. Meal-planning. Errands.
On top of #allthethings of daily life, add on major life changes and it's enough to send you over the edge (if you weren't already there). I constantly hear people say things like:
"I'll _______ when things slow down a bit."
"I can't do ______, because I'm too busy."
"Life is so stressful right now, I just need ______."
As much as we wish life would slow down a bit so we can collect our thoughts, it doesn't.
We have to make the calm happen. It doesn't just happen overnight. We have to build our capacity to create a sense of peace and balance in the midst of chaos. We have to cultivate our inner calm.
As someone who has battled anxiety for most of my life, I can say that this is no easy feat. It takes intentionality and practice but the benefits are really worth it. I've learned that it is possible to find your center and feel calm, no matter what's happening around you.
Tune into this free hangout on September 17th to learn:
-essential breathing techniques for your health and inner stillness -the mindset makeover you need to cultivate calm from the inside-out -three things you're already doing right now that are helping you -a technique you can practice anytime, anywhere to feel better fast
I'll be hosting this Google Hangout and share some tips, some laughs and offer some live coaching with participants!
Sign up below and you'll also receive my free audio download, HELP! How To Handle Hard Times.