Easy mixed bean soup with chicken & greens Blog, Nutrition/Food, Recipes, LifestyleDillan DiGiovanniNovember 11, 2024Comment
Gluten-free pumpkin banana chocolate chip bread Blog, Recipes, Nutrition/FoodDillan DiGiovanniNovember 2, 2024Comment
Warm Chicken Caesar Kale Salad with Spinach Tortellini & Zucchini Recipes, Blog, Nutrition/Food, LifestyleDillan DiGiovanniSeptember 3, 2024 Comment
Mushroom, beans, zucchini and pasta Blog, Nutrition/Food, Lifestyle, RecipesDillan DiGiovanniApril 6, 2024Comment
Roasted Red Pepper Soup Recipes, Lifestyle, Nutrition/FoodDillan DiGiovanniDecember 21, 2023food, nutritionComment
Mushrooms, Kale & Zucchini over Spinach Tortellini Nutrition/Food, RecipesDillan DiGiovanniOctober 21, 2023Comment
Healthier Homemade Comfort Food Candy Recipes, Nutrition/Food, LifestyleDillan DiGiovanniOctober 14, 2023food, healthier snacks, chocolate, comfort food, recipes, fall, homemade, healthy cookingComment
Baking (and living) from intuition. Recipes, Nutrition/FoodDillan DiGiovanniOctober 24, 2016recipes, cooking, baking, intuitionComment
Simple Soothing Miso Soup Recipes, Nutrition/FoodDillan DiGiovanniFebruary 26, 2013eating meditation, gratifying work, mental health, soothing miso soup, tiring work Comment
Coconut Curry Sweet Potato Soup w/ Lentils Recipes, Lifestyle, Nutrition/FoodDillan DiGiovanniFebruary 4, 2013almost vegan, coco, curry, puree, sweet potatoComment
Keep It Simple: Basic Cooking for Busy Nights Lifestyle, Nutrition/Food, RecipesDillan DiGiovanniJanuary 31, 2013collards, frozen veggies, greens, grocery shopping, mixed veggies, real foodComment
Being Sick Sucks: 5 Immune Boosts Nutrition/Food, LifestyleDillan DiGiovanniJanuary 22, 2013cold sick, flu, healthy living, immune, wellness tips, winter tipsComment
Creamy Tahini and Broccoli Pasta Recipes, Nutrition/Food, LifestyleDillan DiGiovanniJanuary 22, 2013creamy, gluten-free, healthy cooking, homecooking, pasta, recipe, vegan Comments
Veggie Bean Soup w/ Bacon Recipes, Nutrition/Food, LifestyleDillan DiGiovanniJanuary 7, 2013bacon, creature of habit, embrace self-love, kale, make the time, overcoming fear and self-doubt, soup, vegetables, whole foodsComment
Cookies vs. Broccoli: Both/And not Either/Or Lifestyle, Identity, Nutrition/FoodDillan DiGiovanniDecember 30, 2012broccoli Christmas kale greens cookies sugarComment